e2v signs FRAMOS to distribute CMOS sensors in EMEA

Jean-Philippe Lamarcq, e2v’s vice president of professional imaging sales and business development, said: “FRAMOS is well known for its customer dedication, technical expertise and high quality of service in imaging technology. It brings more than 30 years of experience in image sensor sales in the European market, allowing e2v to extend its reach and broaden its customer base. I look forward to a long and fruitful relationship.”

According to e2v, FRAMOS will be handling its entire CMOS image sensor portfolio, including the Jade, Sapphire, Ruby and Onyx sensor families. These operate from the near infrared to near ultra-violet in high performance applications, including security and surveillance.

Axel Krepil, who manages FRAMOS’ image sensor division, added: “The FRAMOS Group is in a period of global expansion. Establishing this agreement with e2v strengthens our portfolio for customers and will enable us to solidify our leadership in the global machine vision and special applications market, while offering local and timely support at all levels.”