STMicroelectronics acquires Atollic


Atollic is the supplier of TrueSTUDIO, an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the embedded development community which focuses on Arm Cortex-M microcontrollers, such as ST’s STM32 family of 32-bit microcontrollers (MCUs).

According to STMicroelectronics the addition of TrueSTUDIO, an open source Eclipse based IDE platform that already supports the company’s ST32 family of MCUs, will help it to strengthen its hardware and software ecosystem and enable it to guide the future evolution of TrueSTUDIO with the STM32 ecosystem to provide a fully integrated software solution.

“The quality and depth of the STM32 MCU portfolio and its easy-to-use development ecosystem has positioned ST as a leader in embedded systems,” said Michel Buffa, Microcontroller Division General Manager, STMicroelectronics. “That position, and working closely with Atollic for many years as a top Gold Partner, has shown us the professional features and value TrueSTUDIO has delivered to demanding developers and will soon give STM32 developers a major competitive advantage with the availability of the STM32 TrueSTUDIO IDE for free.”