A positive outlook for the organic and printed electronics industry


The results of the survey, which were presented at LOPEC 2019 in Munich by newly elected OE-A Chair Stan Farnsworth, revealed that 73 per cent of participants expect the industry to continue its positive development in the coming year.

With a projected sales revenue growth of 9 per cent, 2019 is predicted to be another successful year for OE-A members, the Association said.

For 2020, a continuation of this positive trend within the organic and printed electronics industry is expected around the world. The companies expect further development and a stable growth in revenue of 10 per cent.

The positive forecasts for 2019 are also reflected in other areas such as R&D. Nearly three quarters of the responding OE-A members plan to expand R&D activities within the next six months. According to the survey respondents, the investment in production as well as the employment situation also remains stable.