5StarS consults with automotive industry on new vehicle cybersecurity rating scheme


Feedback is sought from automotive manufacturers, Government and insurers to ensure this revolutionary framework is readily adopted when finalised this summer by the Innovate UK funded consortium .

With the rise of new technology becoming a common component of new vehicles – from in-car entertainment, to connectivity that will boot up our homes as we drive there – manufacturers must have proven, built-in safeguards and resilience against the emerging threat of cyber attacks. Furthermore, the arrival of Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) is also accelerating the debate around technology’s role, and impact on, road safety.

Continuing to build consumers’ trust in both vehicle safety and cybersecurity is therefore critical. The 5StarS is therefore developing an assurance framework that underpins future assessments of the cybersecurity capabilities of new vehicles and their resilience to attacks.

The 5StarS (made up of HORIBA MIRA, Ricardo, Roke, Thatcham Research and Axillium Research) assurance framework outlined in the consultation paper will enable manufacturers to gain assurance in their products, use resilience as a market differentiator and establish meaningful ways of communicating cybersecurity risk to consumers.

The paper provides a roadmap to increasing assurance, which starts by meeting the requirements of the emerging regulations and standards such as ISO/SAE 21434, while introducing independent vehicle vulnerability assessments. The idea is that this will allow the framework to be adapted to cope with continually changing threats. The paper also proposes a consumer-facing risk rating system to reassure consumers about their choice of vehicle.

Paul Wooderson, Cybersecurity Principal Engineer at HORIBA MIRA and 5StarS project lead, said: “It’s important we address cybersecurity assurance for connected and autonomous vehicles, not only for vehicle manufacturers but for the automotive industry as a whole, as well as insurers and consumers.

“The easy-to-understand rating system is essential for customers’ peace of mind, as is demonstrating that appropriate security measures are in place. We are now inviting feedback on this paper, which we will use to further enhance the 5StarS framework, providing a positive solution for trusted and resilient mobility.”