Blu Wireless raises funds for 5G investment


The investment will be used to scale the worldwide deployment of devices using the company's HYDRA mmWave technology across a range of 5G applications.

Blu Wireless is working with tier-1 telecoms infrastructure providers and leading semiconductor companies in the US, Japan, the UK and mainland Europe as they look to deploy HYDRA based devices within applications demanding 5G levels of bandwidth and low latency connectivity. Blu Wireless’s carrier-grade mmWave technology has been designed for the key markets of 5G telecoms infrastructure, Industry 4.0 and high-speed transportation.

Recently, Blu Wireless announced a supplier partnership with leading international railway operator FirstGroup to deliver 5G track-to-train infrastructure in the UK. The partnership deal will enable rail operators to cost effectively address passengers’ future demands for super-fast and reliable onboard Wi-Fi connectivity.

Blu Wireless uses unlicensed spectrum to deliver multi-gigabit, fibre-level connectivity that is cost-efficient, low power and reliable. By leveraging the full 14 GHz of spectrum available in the 57-71 GHz band, the company has been able to significantly lower barriers to entry for 5G applications for stakeholders, opening up new commercial opportunities and greatly accelerating deployment.

Blu Wireless CEO, Henry Nurser, said: “The strong financial foundation that our investors are giving us will be crucial to our ability to work with our partners to deliver large scale mmWave 5G deployments across a number of key markets. Working closely with our partners and their customers, we are seeing a diverse and growing range of emerging applications for our technology – whether it be for drone-to-drone communications or private enterprise networks. We’d like to thank all our shareholders for their continued support at this pivotal commercialisation phase.”