Four types of capacitor flags that must be understood

 A capacitor is a component that holds a charge in units of F, μF, MF, nF, and pF. Where m represents 1/1000, u represents 1/1000000, n represents 1/1000000000, and p represents 1/1000000000000. Understanding the type of capacitor's logo will help us use this component even further. The four types of flags are as follows:

1. Direct sign

This method directly uses the letters to mark the specifications, model, allowable error range, rated working voltage, etc. on the resistor.

On the outer casing.

2, text symbol mark

The capacity is represented by a combination of regular numbers and text symbols. The word symbol indicates the unit of its capacitance: P, N, u, m, F, and so on. It is expressed in the same way as the resistor. The nominal allowable deviation is also the same as the resistance representation. For capacitors less than 10pF, the allowable deviation is replaced by a letter: B - ± 0.1pF, C - ± 0.2pF, D - ± 0.5pF, F - ± 1pF.

3, color signs

The unit is generally pF. The withstand voltage of small electrolytic capacitors is also known by the color scale method. The position is close to the root of the positive lead wire. The meaning is:

Color black brown red orange yellow green blue purple gray

Withstand voltage 4V 6.3V 10V 16V 25V 32V 40V 50V 63V

4, capacitor digital sign

The capacitor size is indicated by three digits. First, the second digit is a significant digit, and the third digit indicates the number of zeros following the significant digit, in pF. For example: 223 its capacity is expressed as 22*103pF, but when the third digit is 9, it represents 10-1; for example, 472 capacity is expressed as: 47*10-1pF=4.7pF.