Rutronik24 to focus on start-ups with dedicated team


BaseCamp will be dealing exclusively with the needs and projects of young, innovative companies. In addition to supplying components, the team also offers comprehensive and individually tailored consulting services.

Commenting Andrea Bissinger, Director Sales Global at Rutronik24, said that supporting start-ups was only logical.

“Rutronik24 focuses on small and medium-sized companies with corresponding needs – so start-ups are precisely our target audience," he explained. "All of our processes are tailored exactly to their requirements. This allows us to support young entrepreneurs and their projects with customised solutions. Thanks to our large network, this not only includes the required components and consulting services, but we also help put them in touch with suitable partners, such as for production, marketing and sales.

A new button has been added to the website, that allows start-ups to contact the sales organisation’s newly formed start-up team directly.