RS launches education initiative to bring STEM subjects to life


Imagine-X has been developed by RS - as part of its ongoing commitment to raising awareness of STEM subjects - to assist teachers and educators in the delivery of STEM subjects. It gives teachers free curriculum-aligned resources for pupils aged 7-14, and links dynamic, exciting STEM subjects to real people who have used these skills to make the world a better place.

James Howarth, Head of Education, RS, explained: “We are very excited to launch these unique free lesson resources to support teachers and educators in the delivery of STEM subjects. At RS we are passionate about inspiring the next generation of engineers and scientists and demonstrating how STEM subjects can lead to a wide variety of roles that will support our future environment and infrastructure.”

Resources for Imagine-X have been developed with help from primary and secondary school teachers, education experts and groups of students from key stages 2 and 3.

Commenting Mike England, President, EMEA, RS Components, added: “STEM skills act as the perfect platform to a more socially mobile and globally impactful life. They broaden horizons, empower the disadvantaged and diversify life choices. But many young people have yet to see the bigger impact these skills could have on the world. We hope the Imagine-X resources will enable teachers and educators to bring STEM subjects to life in meaningful and engaging way, and help ignite the imagination of millions of young people in primary and secondary education.”