STMicroelectronics launched power-saving STM32U5 series

STMicroelectronics launched power-saving STM32U5 series

STMicroelectronics has launched STM32U5 series, a new generation of highly power-saving microcontrollers. STM32U5 series teams efficient Arm ® architecture ® - M processor with the ST proprietary energy-saving features of innovation and on-chip IP, improving performance while reducing energy demand. It is allowed to satisfied with the wearable devices, personal medical devices, home automation, and industrial sensor functions such as application of power and performance required.STM32U5 series teams efficient Arm ® architecture ® - M processor with the ST proprietary energy-saving features of innovation and on-chip IP, improving performance while reducing energy demand. It is allowed to satisfied with the wearable devices, personal medical devices, home automation, and industrial sensor functions such as application of power and performance required.

The series adds advanced network security, new hardhard-based protection, Assurance Level 3 for PSA and SESIP (Internet of Things Platform Security Evaluation Criterion), and a graphics accelerator for rich user experiences.

In addition, ST has developed the STM32U5 Internet of Things Discovery Suite (B-U585I-IOT02A), which combines the MCU with Wi-Fi® modules, Bluetooth ® modules and various sensors.

By integrating technology with ARM, ST takes energy efficiency and safety to a new level. "developers can also leverage the ARM Keil®MDK for the ultimate energy optimization." Said Mohamed Awad, vice president of ARM's Internet of IoT Business.

The STM32U5 MCU is currently undergoing sample testing. Twilio, one of the STM32U5's major customers, has used the MCU to create an innovative IoT device building platform called Microvisor. Jonathan Williams, Lead Product Manager at Twilio, commented: "Being among the first developers to start using the STM32U5 has given Twilio Microvisor that unique combination of extreme low power, efficient performance, and advanced cybersecurity that Twilio customers are asking for."