Oldest US nuke plant, in New Jersey, to shutter in September

Federal regulators say America's oldest nuclear power plant will shut down Sept. 17, and plans to have its reactor fuel placed into dry storage within about six years.

But the Oyster Creek plant, which opened in 1969, will remain in Lacey Township, New Jersey, until nearly the end of this century.

Officials with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission say Chicago-based Exelon, which owns Oyster Creek, will put it into so-called "safe store" condition until 2075 as radiation levels dissipate.

Dismantling of the plant itself should take place between 2075 and 2078.

The plant reached a deal with New Jersey regulators to shut down earlier than permitted in return for not having to build costly cooling towers.

Exelon did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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