Global certification solution for worldwide IoT standards body

In collaboration with Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA), Global Certification Forum (GCF) plans to launch the solution in 2019 to help increase interoperability to the IoT ecosystem.

According to the duo, the solution, which will incorporate oneM2M’s current TTA-run certification programme, will recognise the importance of mobile technologies in IoT-enabled M2M solutions.

The hope is that the certification will ensure proper functionality and compliance with industry standards for fast, efficient, and secure IoT solutions.

“GCF’s work with TTA highlights the growing global momentum for tested interoperability in IoT devices and applications,” said Patrick Van de Wille, Marcom Chair at oneM2M.

“Our membership numbers are steadily increasing as organisations recognise the benefits of reducing the complexity through a global standard,” Van de Wille continued. “All stakeholders will reap the rewards from improved productivity and reduced costs, which will ensure the sustained growth of the IoT transformation.”

“This is a critical milestone in our journey from setting up the very first oneM2M certification solution for Korea, to meet regional needs,” added Park-Jae-Moon, President of TTA. “Now we can offer this on a global level to ensure interoperability and set a benchmark for quality that will enable a successful future for IoT connectivity.”