First commercial agreement for Compound Semiconductor Applications Catapult

The university has developed a new technology called TherMap, which uses a non-destructive technique to measure the thermal properties of semiconductor wafers and other multilayer structures.This technique is suitable for most wide bandgap layer structures, such as GaN on SiC, and can be used for in-line process monitoring and yield optimisation.

The University of Bristol has commissioned the CSA Catapult to provide an analysis of the potential market for this technology to help it develop a commercialisation roadmap.The Catapult will interview potential users of the technology to establish their current approach to wafer characterisation and inform them about TherMap.

The University of Bristol is also offering a free trial service to wafer fabs and device manufacturers around the world, and the Catapult is fielding enquiries from interested fabs.

Located in South Wales, the CSA Catapult works collaboratively and has built strong relationships with key players across the UK wafer fabrication industry.This outreach to CSA Catapult’s network will enable it to advise the university on how its TherMap technology could be used in innovative applications within the compound semiconductor industry.

Commenting CEO of CSA Catapult, Stephen Doran said: “I am very pleased to announce our first commercial agreement with The University of Bristol and TherMap.This innovation could potentially make a huge difference to the compound semiconductor industry globally by enabling it to assess the quality of semiconductor wafers, improve yield and improve its processes.”

Professor Martin Kuball from the Center for Device Thermography and Reliability (CDTR) Labs at Bristol University said: “TherMap is a development of Bristol's CDTR labs for innovative thermal wafer mapping, the result of many years' of research which we aim to translate into an industry product. We very much appreciate the Catapult’s support in exploring the market.”

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