How to buy capacitor: you must know the important things

 The wrong choice will cause the circuit to be inoperable, so it is very important to learn how to purchase capacitors.

Important capacitor factor

Dielectric Type - One of the main keys to how to buy a capacitor is to check the type of dielectric. The dielectric determines the size, package, frequency range and other electrical characteristics. The type of material affects the function of the capacitor because different types of ceramics have different properties and performance levels. Aluminum electrolytic capacitors are very effective when leakage is not a problem. Electrolytes can be used for coupling, decoupling and smoothing.


Operating Voltage - Ensure that the capacitor has sufficient operating voltage and that the normal voltage does not exceed 60% of the operating voltage. This margin will ensure better reliability and the capacitor will not work too much.

Package - The appropriate package, whether made up of conventional lead components or surface mount types, should be determined based on how the capacitor is assembled. Surface mount components are very useful for RF devices due to the low level of inductance.

Ripple Current - Ripple current needs to be considered when purchasing capacitors for applications that use high current or time priority.

Capacitors are used in thousands of different electronic devices, and choosing the right capacitor saves you time and money.

Size, shape, material and positioning are key factors to consider when purchasing capacitors in certain applications. Ideally, you will buy the highest quality capacitors at the lowest cost.