Chirp and Linkplay to provide Audio-based provisioning of smart devices

Chirp’s ultrasonic machine-to-machine communications software enables any device with a loudspeaker or microphone to exchange data via inaudible sound waves.

Working like an audio QR code, the technology sends data over sound waves to “enhance end-user experiences and add value to existing hardware,"

On smart-enabled devices integrated with Linkplay’s Wi-Fi audio modules, Chirp’s audio protocol will enable provisioning for consumer applications in close proximity, without the need for additional hardware.

According to both companies this “software-defined connectivity solution” removes any device set up, pairing or configuration requirements to facilitate secure, seamless network provisioning.

Chirp’s data-over-sound technology will encode credentials into an inaudible tone, which is then transmitted to a microphone or speaker already built in to a smart-enabled device.

This data is then received over audio and the device is connected to a network, enabling a range of modern applications.

Integrating Chirp’s SDK into Linkplay’s Wi-Fi audio modules will add further connectivity capabilities to a range of audio-enabled consumer devices.

In removing the need for additional hardware, the partnership is intended to provide a provisioning solution for third-party OEMs without additions to their bill of materials.

“Delivering cost-effective device-to-device connectivity at scale remains an inherent challenge for many CE device manufacturers today. Combining the power of data-over-sound with our portfolio of WiFi audio solutions, we can provide a scalable turnkey solution which eliminates device provisioning challenges.” says Lifeng Zhao, CEO of Linkplay.

“Audio continues its prevalence as a highly advantageous form of connectivity within the smart device landscape, commented James Nesfield, CEO of Chirp