YAGEO expands its production of Resistor RC0075 to advance 5G

YAGEO resistors RC0075 series

As the development of 5G, High-density circuit integration is required in a compact design. YAGEO had arranged an expansion on its production of miniature Resistors RC0075 (0.3mmx 0.15mm in dimensions).

Compared with the previous generations, the Resistor RC0075 series are offered an ultra decrease of 44% in size to match the need for 5G applications. Based on its compact size, the RC0075 series is ideal for the High-density circuit board.

RC0075 series can be used in wireless communication modules and multi-function mobile devices. Its range is available in 0075, 01005, 0201 to 2512.

With mature experience and advanced innovation in Resistor manufacturing, YAGEO combined with breakthroughs in laser technology makes the RC0075 ideal for various applications in major market segments, such as automotive, alternative energy, industrial, and consumer electronics, etc. The advantages of this series miniature Chip help engineers overcome the challenges of the dimensional accuracy of thick film resistors. Besides, it also provides high reliability, high structural integrity, and stable placement yield. 

In addition, YAGEO plans to launch the next generation of compact chip resistors, with the RC0050 dimension in 2021.